Judita Szekeresová

Title: Príbeh Izabely Bošňákovej rodenej Péterovej

(Life of Izabela Bošňáková (nee Péterová)) – pdf

Abstract: Izabela was born into teachers´ family. A lot of members of her family were teachers. She really loved her work and for her it was not just an ordinary work, it was her mission. Her favourite activity was tailoring. During her life she had some problems after nationalization of schools. Her husband lost his work and she had to find a job for herself. She started to work as a tailor. After 1950 lot of schools were opened, she started to work as a teacher in Diakovce. Izabela worked there until her retirement. In this school she taught folklore. She sewed for her pupils their dancing dresses by hand. After her retirement Izabela still taught because she loved it and she wanted to spread her knowledge. Her family, friends and all of the pupils have nice memories and think a lot about their beloved teacher Izabela.

Author: Szekeresová-Kovácsová Judita

Publication order reference: Štátny archív v Bratislave – pobočka Šaľa, Petra Pázmaňa 27, 927 01 Šaľa, Slovak Republic, mail: juditka69@azet.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2014, vol.: 18, number: 1, pages: 146-152

Key words: teacher; tailor; family; school; folklore course;

Language: SLOVAK