Mária Molnárová

Title: Zo súkromnej korešpondencie Tomáša Nádašdyho: určenie nástupníctva na českom tróne a zajatie predstaviteľov rodu Šlik

(From the Private Correspondence of Nádasdy Tamás: Succession on the Czech Throne and Captivity of Representatives of the Schlik Family) pdf

Abstract: Private correspondence is stylistically, linguistically and content different from official correspondence, which in no way limits its informative value. In it, the writers express their subjective opinions, observations, experiences, but also important information with the expressive value of the time in which they lived. The author of the letter analyzed and interpreted is the later Hungarian palatine Nádasdy Tamás, who addresses it to his wife Kanizsay Orsolya. The correspondence contains information on current political events, with a primary emphasis on the government and I. Ferdinand of Habsburg’s relations in the Czech Kingdom. At the beginning of the article, the history and government conditions in the Czech and Hungary kingdoms during the reign of I. Ferdinand are briefly explained. Several paragraphs are devoted to the life and career of Nádasdy Tamás. The conclusion consists of a transcript of the original text of the letter, a modified transcript of the original text of the letter, a translation of the transcript of the original text of the letter, a translation of the modified transcript of the original text of the letter, followed by its analysis and interpretation.

Author: MOLNÁROVÁ, Mária

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2022.26.1.105-119

Publication order reference:

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Katedra histórie, Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic, mail: marikamolnarova91@gmail.com

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2022, vol.: 26, number: 1, pages: 105-119

Keywords: Nádasdy Tamás; Kanizsay Orsolya; Habsburg Ferdinand; Schlik family; Kingdom of Bohemia; correspondence; 16th century;

Language: Slovak

Funding: Univerzitná grantová agentúra UKF: UGA I/5/2021 Kanižayovsko-Nádašdyovský dvor ako príklad ranonovovekého renesančného dvora v Uhorsku; UGA I/5/2020 Dejiny Uhorska v 16. storočí optikou manželky palatína