Ján Jakubej

Title: Pôsobenie združenia evanjelickej mládeže – Jednoty Samuela Ormisa – v Revúcej ako významný faktor posilňovania konfesionálnej a etnickej identity miestnych dospievajúcich (I. obdobie činnosti, 1932 – 1936)

(Activities of the Association of Evangelical youth – Unity of Samuel Ormis – in Revúca as Eminent Factor for Strengthening Religious and Ethnical Identity of Local Adolescents (II. Period 1932 – 1936)) pdf

Abstract: The meetings of the Association of Evangelical Youth – Unity of Samuel Ormis – in Revúca, initiated by the pastor Juraj Raab – Kell, were characterized by a solid structure: prayer – lecture – poem – religious song, often supplemented by a tea, literary or religious discussiona, trip or theater performance. Lectures on the apostles, the forerunners of the Reformation, and the life of Martin Luther strengthened confessional awareness. There was a presentation of other personalities of the Protestant faith, or helpful to this faith. Membership also carried out collections (for example, for an evangelical orphanage in Liptovský Mikuláš, for the purchase of harmonium …). It also established contacts with other „units“ in the territory of Gemer (Budikovany, Mokrá Lúka, Ratková …) and Novohrad (Lučenec). It disappeared after an unspecified disagreement between the members and the clergy.

Author: JAKUBEJ, Ján

DOI: 0.17846/SHN.2022.26.1.120-158

Publication order reference:

Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Katedra histórie, Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic, mail: jjakubej@ukf.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2022, vol.: 26, number: 1, pages: 120-158

Keywords: Evangelical Youth; Educational Lectures; Confessional and Ethnic Identity;

Language: Slovak

Funding: 1. Vedecká grantová agentúra MŠVVaM SR a SAV: Projekt VEGA č. 1/0763/21: Vnímanie národnej identity v medzivojnovej Československej republike. Riešenie otázok štátneho národa, menšín a ich reprezentantov

2. Kultúrna a edukačná grantová agentúra MŠVVaM SR: KEGA č. 035UKF-4/2021: Kultúrna, osvetová, výchovno-vzdelávacia a sociálna politika na Slovensku v 20. storočí