SÁPOSOVÁ, Zlatica – GALLOVÁ, Miroslava

Title: Zmeny v štruktúre zamestnanosti žien (Košice, 1881 – 1910)

(Changes in the pattern of female employment (Košice, 1881 – 1910)) – pdf

Abstract: The study examines how the labour force participation rate of the female population of Košice has evolved and what new opportunities urbanisation and the economic development of the city have brought. In terms of time, it focuses on the period of dualism, especially the years 1881 – 1910. By the end of the 19th century, the developing industry offered jobs with a feminine character (e.g. in textile or food production). Women’s interest in these jobs grew, and with it, therefore, came an increasing number of women working in the industry. In addition to particular branches of industry that did not require higher education, intellectual work, or the liberal professions, which appealed especially to women from burgher’s families, also became the focus of women’s interest. Women with no family commitments, i.e. single women, or those who were forced to do so by their current family and social circumstances (divorced or widowed women), were the main entrants into the workforce. Economic development has influenced society’s attitude to the issue of women’s work and, as a result, it has gradually become more acceptable to society, as has been the case with girls‘ and women’s education.

Author: SÁPOSOVÁ, Zlatica – GALLOVÁ, Miroslava*

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2023.27.1.67-93

Publication order reference:

Spoločenskovedný ústav Centra spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV, v. v. i., Karpatská 5, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic, mail: saposova@saske.sk

* mail: gallova@saske.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2023, vol.: 27, number: 1, pages: 67-93

Keywords: women; labour market; industry; domestic servants; public administration; dualism;

Language: Slovak