Title: Pokusy o dosiahnutie hospodárskej nezávislosti Uhorska v 19. storočí
(Attempts to achieve the economic independence of Hungary in the 19th century) – pdf
Abstract: The political and economic situation of Hungary was significantly burdened by the fact that the country had to face the onslaught of the Ottoman Empire for two centuries, which occupied one third territory of the kingdom. Although the country was able to maintain some independence, the important governing bodies of the state administration were located outside the country. After the end of the war period, Hungary, unable to take advantage of the 1848 revolutions, was still not strong enough to attain political and economic independence. The quasi-autonomous state formed only in 1867 as part of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise. The article describes the process of gaining economic independence of Hungary in the sphere of public finances and its significance for the development of the country.
Authors: LENTNER, Csaba – HORBULÁK, Zsolt
DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2023.27.1.243-256
Publication order reference:
University of Public Service, Faculty of Governmental and International Studies, Széll Kálmán Public Finance Lab, P.O. Box 60, H-1441 Budapest, Hungary, mail: Lentner.Csaba@uni-nke.hu
*Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Nárohospodárska fakulta, Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, mail: zsolt.horbulak@euba.sk
Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2023, vol.: 27, number: 1, pages: 243-256
Keywords: Hungary; Austro-Hungarian Compromise; Publice Finance;
Language: Slovak
Funding: VEGA č. 1/0239/19 Implementácie behaviorálnej ekonómie pre zefektívnenie fungovania súčasných ekonomík