Jana Stráníková

Title: Žena v mužské domácnosti: Farní hospodyně v 19. století

(A Woman in a Man’s Household: Parish Housekeeper in the 19th Century) – pdf

Abstract: The parish house is usually seen as the dwelling of the Catholic priest. While the main façade of the parish house had to be clearly visible from the street, for the outbuildings standing away, functionality was of primary importance. The presence of members of the parish household could be similarly “hidden”. Their presence is not in the relevant sources, although they presence was essential. Except for the male servants, there was always represented a female element, namely in the person of the parish housekeeper. She cooked the priest’s food, took care of the laundry, and performed other activities that belonged to the tasks of a (not only) rural woman. If guests visited the parish, she took care of them as well. In addition to relatives or friends of the priest, there could be many exposed people, for example bishops with their entourages. This lesser-known profession had its peculiarities and pitfalls, yet there were many similarities with the position of a rural or town housekeeper.

Author: STRÁNÍKOVÁ, Jana

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2023.27.2.397-420

Publication order reference: Univerzita Pardubice, Ústav historických věd, Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic, mail: Jana.Stranikova@upce.cz

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2023, vol.: 27, number: 2, pages: 397-420

Key words: Parish; Parish Household; Catholic Priest; Woman; Housekeeper;

Language: CZECH