Ivan Miskov – Nelya Zhulkanych

Title: Seals and Coat of Arms of Uzhhorod (1561-1990)

(Seals and Coat of Arms of Uzhhorod (1561-1990)) – pdf

Abstract: On the basis of published and unpublished sources the article attempts to analyze symbols of the city Uzhhorod at different periods. Introduces scientific circulation of new seals and coats of arms of Uzhhorod (Ungvar), from first use on documents dated 1561 to May 1990. The first seal was found by prof. Sternberg. On the seal dated 1561 in the coat of arms there is a branch with four leaves, on the right there is a hexagonal star, and above the coat of arms may be seen the word WNG. The authors managed to find an imprint of the wax seal of Uzhhorod on a document dated October 2, 1628. This document is stored in the State archives of Prešov (Slovakia). The description is as follows: in the round field of the seal there is a coat of arms, in which there is a flower with four leaves, on the top right of which there is a hexagonal star, and above the shield there is an inscription ,,DEONG”. Other seals of Uzhhorod were found in the state archives of the Zakarpattia region of Berehove. From 1635 to 1845 the city used a new round wax seal with a Renaissance shield – in which there is a vine with three intertwined rods, three leaves and two bunches. Around the seal the legend in Latin: ,,SIGILLVM CIVITATIS DEVNG ANNO 1635”. In 1846, the legend of the new city seal was replaced by the Hungarian text: ,,UNGVAR VAROSA PECSETIE 1846”. In the document  dated 1894 an ink print of the seal was found, in the field of which there is a coat of arms with a grape bush with six leaves and two bunches, and around the seal there is a Hungarian legend: ,,UNGVÁR RENDEZETT TANÁCSU VÁROS PECSÉTJE”. In 1905, the new coat of arms looked as following: baroque dark blue (blue) shield in which in the green foot of the grape there is a bush from which three intertwined grape vines with three green leaves and two golden clusters grow. This coat of arms in color is placed above the main entrance to the central building of the Transcarpathian Regional Hospital. The image of the coat of arms on the seal of Uzhhorod under Czechoslovak and Hungarian rule has not changed. During the Soviet era, the official Soviet coat of arms of Uzhhorod was approved in 1984. The coat of arms of Uzhhorod remained the same, but the colors in the shield changed: the green base became blue, and the dark blue (blue) field of the coat of arms was replaced with the red one, adding a sickle and a hammer to the upper part of the shield. Such a city coat of arms of Uzhhorod existed until June 1990.

Authors: MISKOV, Ivan – ZHULKANYCH, Nelya

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2023.27.2.516-531

Publication order reference:

Ivan Miskov – Transcarpathian Academy of Arts, Faculty of fine arts, Voloshyna st. 37,

88 000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine, mail: miskoviv@gmail.com

Nelya Zhulkanych – Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of history and international relations, Narodna Square 3, 88 000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine, mail: n.zhulkanych@gmail.com

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2023, vol.: 27, number: 2, pages: 516-531

Key words: Coat of Arms; Seal; Stamp; Symbol; City; Uzhhorod;

Language: ENGLISH