Bernard Pavlovič

Title: Etika a problematika etického kódexu archeológie na Slovensku a v okolitých štátoch – (Česko, Maďarsko a Poľsko)

(Ethics and Problematic Issues of the Code of Ethics of the Archaeology in Slovakia and the Surrounding States – (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland)) – pdf

Abstract: The paper tries to approach the issue of ethics in the archaeological environment in the Slovakia. The introduction discusses the legislative that provides the main protection of historical heritage. However, there are ethical codes, which also provide a certain type of protection. In brief, the reader also become familiar with the history of solving ethical issues in the Slovakia. In the next part the author approaches the possibilities of solving the problem with amateur archaeologists by help of the code of ethics. The conclusion of the article deals with the ethical codes of the neighbouring states of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the joint ethical code for archaeologists and the content of these documents is described in more detail.

Author: PAVLOVIČ, Bernard

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2023.27.2.610-630

Publication order reference: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Katedra archeológie, Hodžova 1, 94901 Nitra, Slovak Republic; Archeologický ústav SAV, v.v.i., Oddelenie dokumentácie, Akademická 2, 949 21 Nitra, Slovak Republic, mail:

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2023, vol.: 27, number: 2, pages: 610-630

Key words: Ethics; Code of Ethics; Slovakia; Archaeology; Protection;

Language: SLOVAK

Funding: Vedecká grantová agentúra MŠVVaM SR a SAV: VEGA č. 1/0240/21 Krajina a sídla u Keltov a Germánov. Vzťahy navzájom, v krajine a ku krajine.