Ján Valo

Title: Územný vývoj a topografia obce Červeník od konca 19. do 2. pol. 20. storočia

(Territorial Development and Topography of the Village Červeník from late 19th  to second  half of the 20th century) – pdf

Abstract: The article deals with the topography and spatial development of the village Červeník since the late 19th century to the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. It focuses mainly on developments and changes that have occurred in the village until the year 1960 in terms of area, the construction boom and other related aspects. Particular attention is paid to changes of the cadastral boundaries, especially in relation to the neighboring village Leopoldov, which has mainly in the 20th century expanded at the expense of Červeník. The study is supplemented by a sample of the original cadastral maps and clearly marked map of the municipality area  in 1894.

Author: Valo Ján

Publication order reference: Katedra archívnictva a pomocných vied historických, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Gondova ulica č. 2, P. O. BOX 32, 814 99  Bratislava, Slovak Republic, mail: jan.valo@uniba.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2015, vol.: 19, number: 1, pages: 53-77

Key words: Červeník; Leopoldov; territorial development; historical geography;

Language: SLOVAK