Jana Karlíková

Title: Dáma s fotoaparátom (Zo života a tvorby významnej fotografky Márie Holoubkovej-Urbasiówny)

(Lady with a Camera (Life and Work of an Outstanding Photographer Mária Holoubková-Urbasiówna)) – pdf

Abstract: Mária Holoubková-Urbasiówna belonged to the most distinct female personalities of the after-coup trading photography in Slovakia. Though being born in Poland (1898) she spent all her creative life in Slovakia and devoted herself to this country. She beganher career in Trenčianske Teplice and Trenčín where she was working in the firm Foto Tatra producing black and white picture postcards and cooperated at the same time with Cyril Kašpar in the common company called Tatra Film Trenčín. They made short-range films. After 1932 Holoubková devoted more of her time to studio photography. Her private entrepreneurial activities were interrupted by communal services which came into existence but she refused to join in 1952. She died in 2004 at the age of 106.

Author: Karlíková Janka

Publication order reference: Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčíne, Mierové námestie 46 (P.O.BOX 120), 912 50 Trenčín, Slovak Republic, mail: janka.karlikova@gmail.com

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2014, vol.: 18, number: 1, pages: 127-135

Key words: woman; woman photographer; Mária Holoubková-Urbasiówna;

Language: SLOVAK