Marek Šmíd

Title: Apoštolská nunciatura v Praze v meziválečném období

(Apostolic Nunciature in Prague in the interwar Czechoslovakia) – pdf

Abstract: The study focuses on the changes in Apostolic Nunciature in Prague in the interwar Czechoslovakia. It is not only an approximation to the personalities of Holy See envoys, who held the position of apostolic nuncio in that time – Clemente Micara (1879 – 1965), Francesco Marmaggi (1870 – 1949), Pietro Ciriaci (1885 –1966) and Saverio Ritter (1884 – 1951) – while at the same time their agenda and activities in the Czechoslovak affairs. It strives to be a comprehensive survey, which deals with the current administration office, personnel, buildings or financial issues that were part of their everyday life in the background of the Church history in the First Republic (1918 – 1938). Taking into consideration that the Czech archives do not offer a sufficient basis for this probe, the study is primarily based on the research the Vatican Secret Archives in Rome.

Author: Šmíd Marek

Publication order reference: Historický ústav, Filozofická fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějoviciach, Branišovská 31a, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic, mail:

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2013, vol.: 17, number: 2, pages: 80-92

Key words: Apostolic Nuntiature; papal nuncio; Czechoslovakia 1918 – 1938; Holy See;

Language: CZECH