Marián Kamenčík

Title: Veršované svedectvo Pavla Vajaja o povodni na Váhu v roku 1813

(The Testimony of Pavol Vajaja about the Flood on the River Váh in 1813 Written in Verse) – pdf

Abstract: The study analyzes the literary memory of author Paul Vajaja which is called ´Kratké a oprawdové Wyobraženj té Powodně která se do Hornjch Zelenic w Slawné Nitranskí Stolicy gsaucých Roku wnjtr psaného wewalila which is kept in the collections of the Homeland Museum Hlohovec. The poem is not only a document of the contemporary literary culture, but it is also a valuable source of information about the historical flood on the river Váh in 1813. By analysing this poem, we can interprete flood events, their course, damage, loss of property, but also the techniques of rescue works and restoration of the buildings damaged by water. To maintain the communicative pluralism of the poem we must bear in mind its literary, aesthetic and philosophical interpretation. This poem represents within the context with other documents a valuable piece, although unknown, and contributes to the knowledge of the greatest flood on the river Váh.

Author: Kamenčík Marián

Publication order reference: Katedra slovenského jazyka a literatúry, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Námestie J. Herdu 2, 917 01  Trnava, Slovak Republic, mail:

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2014, vol.: 18, number: 2, pages: 273-306

Key words: flood; 1813; Váh river; Horné Zelenice village; Pavel Vajaj; manuscript;

Language: SLOVAK