Milena Secká

Title: Josefa Křížková, Náprstková – všedný život slúžky

(Josefa Křížková, Náprstková – everyday life of maid) – pdf

Abstract: Josefa Křížková, Náprstková (1838 – 1907) entered the service of the house U Halánků in 1856, as a servant at the distillery. Her desire for further education and her effort to bring some contribution to Czech society were fulfilled after the son of her employer Vojtěch returned to Prague. In 1874 opened Vojta his Czech industrial museum, and after his death, Josefa persevered the realization of his dreams, which she had completely adopted.

Author: SECKÁ, Milena

Publication order reference: Národní muzeum – Náprstkovo muzeum, Betlémské náměstí 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, mail: milena_secka

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2015, vol.: 19, number: 2, pages: 234-240

Key words: Josefa Náprstková (1838-1907); Náprstek Museum; Czech Industrial Museum; American Club of Ladies;

Language: CZECH