Miroslav Palárik 2

Title: Aplikácia regionálnych dejín do školskej praxe prostredníctvom realizácie projektu Mesto pod mestom

(Application of Regional History into School Praxis through the Project City beneath the City) – pdf

Abstract: Following article focuses on the main outcomes and objectives of the project City beneath the City. During two years the research team prepared various activities as integral part of the project, e.g. interactive exhibition in regional museum, historic game in the city centre, textbooks and presentation on CD-ROM as handout for teachers and students dealing with the history of Nitra region. The project  transferred information about history of town Nitra for target group – students at lower and upper secondary schools in Nitra region and may be understood as an example of good practice as far as teaching of regional history is concerned.

Author: Palárik Miroslav

Publication order reference: Katedra histórie, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Filozofická fakulta, Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic, mail: mpalarik@ukf.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2013, vol.: 17, number: 2, pages: 220-227

Key words: Regional History; City Beneath the City; Non-formal Education;

Language: SLOVAK