New data on the burial customs in the Early Iron Age on the basis of examples from Northeast-Transdanubia

Title: New data on the burial customs in the Early Iron Age on the basis of examples from Northeast-Transdanubia

(Nové dáta o spôsoboch pochovávania v staršej dobe železnej na príkladoch zo severovýchodného Zadunajska)

Author: NOVINSZKI-GROMA, Katalin

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2017.21.S.155-171

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, 2017, vol. 21, Supplementum, pp. 155-171

Abstract: The paper focused on the Early Iron Age cemeteries from Northeast-Transdanubia. Some research results have already been published, especially concerning the burial mound and flat cemetery of Süttő and the flat cemeteries of Tatabánya-Dózsakert and Tatabánya-Alsó Vasútállomás. I observed some typical features of the burial customs in these sites and also compared the results with those from the narrower area of Transdanubia and with some cemeteries of the East-Hallstatt cultural unit. The main aim – besides publishing the data – was to highlight the similarities between the burial customs of the two main types of the Early Iron Age burials, the tumuli and the flat cemeteries and also to call the attention to the differences between the elements of the rite.

Keywords: Hallstatt-Period, Burial Custom, Pyre, Ceramic Grave Goods, Plant And Animal Remains;

Language: ENGLISH

Publication order reference: Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Múzeum krt. 4/b, 1088 Budapest, Hungary,