Niekoľko úvah o vzdelávaí v prostredí Spišskej kapituly v stredoveku

Title: Niekoľko úvah o vzdelávaí v prostredí Spišskej kapituly v stredoveku

(Some Reflections on Education in the Spiš Chapter during Middle Ages)

Author: LABANC, Peter

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2017.21.1.5-16

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, 2017, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 5-16

Abstract: History of the education is not frequented topic in the Slovak historiography. On prosopography of the the medieval chapters, we can say the same words. On example of the Spiš Chapter, article shows research possibilities of the intersection of the both themes. Chapter as a place of education is analysed in the first part of the article. Because of lacking straight mentions in original sources on it, our conclusions stay on secondary evidences. Canons as learned persons are aim of the second part of the paper. Many questions are connect with this point of view: canons as educational elite of the medieval society, possibilities of higher education (studium generale), position in chapter (dignity or office) as a determination of the further education, etc. Following research should bring thorough prosopography of the medieval Spiš Chapter. It will be the solid basis for strong analysis of the educated elites of the medieval Hungarian kingdom.

Keywords: Education; Canons; Clergy; Medieval Chapter; Universities;

Language: SLOVAK

Publication order reference: Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra histórie, Hornopotočná 23, 917 00 Trnava, Slovak Republic,