Oto Tomeček

Title: Vnímanie krajiny poddanými v čase tereziánskej urbárskej regulácie

(Perception of the Landscape by Serfs in the Conscriptions from the Period of Maria Terezia) – pdf

Abstract: We know relatively little about the perception of contemporary historical landscape by serfs. From the 18th century we have the conscriptions from the age of Maria Terezia where is, inter alia, information about local historical landscape. Data for the conscriptions were reported by the serfs (reeves and jurats), so we can see in it their perception of the landscape, too. Author in this paper analyses information about different landscape components, for example selected settlements of the Zvolen County. From the perspective of historic-geographical research, data of historical land use (area of arable land, meadows, pasture lands, vineyards), availability of firewood and building wood or quality of roads have special notice value. Mentions of local mills, pubs or mine and metallurgical industry are interesting for historical topography. Information about damages caused by torrential rain, floods or severe winter and a lot of snow is worth as well. Stated information can be founded mainly in the 4th point of questionnaires made for Teresian register needs.

Author: Tomeček Oto

Publication order reference: Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela, Tajovského 40, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, mail: oto.tomecek@umb.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2015, vol.: 19, number: 1, pages: 86-93

Key words: historical geography; landscape; serfs; conscriptions from the age of Maria Terezia;

Language: SLOVAK