Peter Hudák

Title: Aplikácia poznatkov o lokálnej podobe holokaustu vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese

(The Application of Knowledge about Local Form of the Holocaust in the Teaching Process) – pdf

Abstract: Holocaust education in Slovakia stands upon advances in research and has significantly changed over the last decade. This article seeks to reflect a continuing process of pedagogical development and improvement as well as deals with different ways of teaching the Holocaust at primary and secondary school level. The first part focuses on the current state and problems which are related with Holocaust education in Slovakia. Second part discusses the importance of regional history in the teaching process, the particularities of Holocaust education and the teaching guidelines or advices. The final section is devoted to application of knowledge of historical research about the tragedy of particular Jewish community into the educational process. It includes the proposal of exhibition and methodological sheets as an example „How to Teach the Holocaust in local schools“.

Author: Hudák Peter

Publication order reference: Katedra histórie, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Filozofická fakulta, Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic, mail:

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2013, vol.: 17, number: 2, pages: 228-236

Key words: Holocaust; Teaching Process; Regional History;

Language: SLOVAK