Česká cesta jako součást staré dopravní sítě Slovenska – úsek Holíč-Bíňovce. Lokalizace historických tras v krajině a jejich relikty, komunikační souvislosti

Title: Česká cesta jako součást staré dopravní sítě Slovenska – úsek Holíč-Bíňovce. Lokalizace historických tras v krajině a jejich relikty, komunikační souvislosti

The Czech Road as a Part of the Former Slovakia Transport Network – the Selection Holíč-Bíňovce. The Localization of Historical Routes in the Countryside and Their Relics, Communication Context.

Author: Cendelín Dušan

DOI:  10.17846/SHN.2019.23.1.3-28

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2019, vol.: 23, number: 1, pages: 3-28

Abstract:  The work is an attempt for a new interpretation of the 14th century charter that quotes the main localities on the road from Buda to the Czech lands up to the Hungarian border on the Morava River. Apart from the document, the road has been named as the Czech Road. The Charter is one of the bases of the overall solution, but the survey of the area of interest from Holice to the eastern foothills of the Little Carpathians became equivalently important. Landline remnants have been precisely located and connected to other communication directions. For the first time, it has been proven that the document does not have the function of the itinerary, but merely quotes localities with the collection of charges on the road with the starting points of the Buda-Czech (surrounding) countries.

Keywords: History; the Middle Ages; Toll; Transport; Roads; Relics;

Language: Czech

Publication order reference:  Jaroslava Haly 442, 76 312 Vizovice, Česká republika, mail: cendoch@gmail.com