Sídlisko z doby laténskej v Iži, km 1759, výskumná sezóna 1959

Title: Sídlisko z doby laténskej v Iži, km 1759, výskumná sezóna 1959

(Settlement of the La Tène period in Iža, km 1759, excavation season 1959)

Authors: Marek GERE – Martina GEREOVÁ – Priska RATIMORSKÁ

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2019.23.S.395-413

Publication order reference:

Marek Gere, Podunajské múzeum v Komárne, Nám. gen. Klapku 9, 945 05 Komárno, Slovak Republic, mail: marek.gere@gmail.com;

Martina Gereová, Hlavná 34, 946 32 Šrobárová, Slovak Republic, mail: matuliena@gmail.com;

Priska Ratimorská, Nám. Kossutha 16, 945 05 Komárno, Slovak Republic.

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2019, vol.: 23, number: Supplementum, pages: 395-413

Abstract: In 1959, the research led by Blažej Benadik discovered the settlement
layers and features of the Eneolithic and La Tène period in the location Iža – Danube. Within the research there were excavated 7 trenches located just on the river bank of Danube. In the trench I, IV and VII there was found out numerous material of the pits and cultural layer of the La Tène culture that has not cumulatively been processed and published so far. We present it in the contribution in the form of a catalogue together with its summary and dating.


Language: SLOVAK