Silvia Eliašová

Title: Návrh stanov Zväzu slovenských muzeálnych, galerijných pracovníkov a pracovníkov pamiatkovej starostlivosti na Slovensku

(The Draft Statutes of the Slovak Museums´, Galleries´ and National Heritage Care employees Association in Slovakia) – pdf

Abstract: Reform trends in Slovak museums resulted in the preparation of the Action Programme in the year 1968. It included the idea of Slovak Association of Museums revival, which was cancelled in 1960. Following article discusses the document dealing with the form of new association. Outlined are also the reasons and incentives leading to the need to establish a professional organization, with notes and activities done on the soil of Czech museums.

Author: Eliašová Silvia

Publication order reference: Katedra muzeológie, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Filozofická fakulta, Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic, mail:

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2013, vol.: 17, number: 2, pages: 130-141

Key words: museology in Slovakia; Slovak museums; Association of Slovak Museums; Action programme;

Language: SLOVAK