Title: Súdny proces so starostom Nitry Františkom Mojtom v roku 1946 v materiáloch Národného súdu

(Trial with Nitra Mayor František Mojto in 1946 in the Materials of the National Court)

Abstract: The period after the second world war is characterised by retribution – the punishment of crimes committed during the occupation. For this purpose, extraordinary people’s courts were also set up in territory of Slovakia, especially important cases were to be tried by the National Court in Bratislava. The captured Slovak collaborators, fellow nazi security personnel, etc. ended up in these courts. In particular, several trials with representatives of the Slovak State have been closely monitored by the public. The retributive judiciary in the post-war Czechoslovak Republic was created not only as a result of the efforts of the victorious powers to punish crimes committed by the Nazis and their allies during the war, but also served as a means of removing the influence of former political regime officials who served in the Czech Countries and Slovakia from 1939 to 1945. In Nitra, public attention was focused, among other things, on the trial of former Mayor of Nitra František Mojto. Mojto was sentenced to 8 months and other material penalties. The case study assesses the procedural side of the trial – its arrest, indictment, conviction, detention, as well as the causal background behind the completion of the trial.

Author: HETÉNYI, Martin

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2021.25.1.191-214

Publication order reference:

Martin Hetényi – Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Ústav pre výskum kultúrneho dedičstva Konštantína a Metoda, Štefánikova tr. 67, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia, mhetenyi@ukf.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2021, vol.: 25, number: 1, pages: 191-214

Key words: Retribution Judiciary; Nitra; World War II; František Mojto;

Language: Slovak