Vladimír Mitáš – Václav Furmánek

Title: Zvieracie kosti v žiarových hroboch západnej enklávy juhovýchodných popolnicových polí so zreteľom na lokalitu Radzovce – Monosa

(Animal Bones in the Cremation Graves of the Western Enclave of the Southeastern Urnfield Cultures from the Perspective of the Site in Radzovce – Monosa) – pdf

Abstract: Following paper is focused on the occurrence of animal bones in the standard grave closed finds of the western enclave of the cultural complex of the Southeastern Urnfield cultures. The issue is elaborated with regard to the cremation burial ground of the Middle to Late Bronze Age in Radzovce, dist. Lučenec. It was excavated during the 20th century almost completely. With its 1334 unearthed graves it belongs to the largest necropolises of this period in Central Europe. In addition to human bones burnt, as well as unburnt animal bones were identified in 91 graves. Their occurrence is probably related to the specific practices of the burial rite – placing the portions of animal meat (food offerings/sacrificial gifts) either to a deceased on the pyre, or directly into the grave. To the validity of this interpretation similar archaeological finds indicate, as well as ancient and medieval written sources and ethnological observations of modern times. Analysed cattle, goat/sheep and pig bones are brought into the context with the inner chronology of the burial ground.

Authors: Mitáš Vladimír, Furmánek Václav

Publication order reference: Archeologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Akademická 2, Nitra 949 01, Slovak Republic, mail: vladimir.mitas@savba.sk; nraufurm@savba.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2013, vol.: 17, number: 2, pages: 3-20

Key words: Slovakia; Cultural Complex of the Southeastern Urnfields; Cremation Graves; Animal Bones; Archaeozoology;

Language: SLOVAK