Výšinné sídlisko gávskej kultúry v Sedliskách-Podčičve

Title: Výšinné sídlisko gávskej kultúry v Sedliskách-Podčičve

(Upland settlement of the Gáva Culture in Sedliská-Podčičva)


DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2017.21.S.397-410

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, 2017, vol. 21, Supplementum, pp. 397-410

Abstract: The contribution presents an upland settlement of the Čičva Castle hill in the cadastre of the village Sedliská (district Vranov nad Topľou). It deals with a minor excavation in the north-west part of the hill, north-west from the castle area (position 6). There were traces of 4 structures, a double-pole line and a rampart,which was slightly researched through sections in 1994-1995. No settlement structure was uncovered as a unit. Results of the excavation have proved the settlement existed in its economic accustomed manner. Chronological categorization is not unambiguous. It is dated, from the preliminary analyses, to the end of the younger and the beginning of the Late Bronze Age. In the framework of the Gáva Culture in Eastern Slovakia we can speak about its second stage (Ha A-Ha B).

Keywords: Upland Settlement, Gáva Culture, Late Bronze Age (Stages Ha A-Ha B);

Language: SLOVAK

Publication order reference:  Vlastivedné múzeum v Hanušovciach n. T., Zámocká 160/5, 094 31 Hanušovce n. T., Slovenská republika, kotorova.m@gmail.com