Život blahoslavenej pamiatky doktora Martina Luthera najhodnovernejšími historikmi zaznamenaný roku pána 1791. V Banskej Bystrici : ja. Jozef Tumler, 1791. 40 s.

Title: Život blahoslavenej pamiatky doktora Martina Luthera najhodnovernejšími historikmi zaznamenaný roku pána 1791. V Banskej Bystrici : ja. Jozef Tumler, 1791. 40 s.

(Life of Beatific Memory of Doctor Martin Luther Recorded by the Trustworthiest Historians Year of our Lord 1791. In Banská Bystrica: Ja. Jozef Tumler, 1791, 40 pp.)

Author: Jakubej Ján

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2016.20.1.161-177

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, 2016, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 161-177

Abstract: Translated biography of Martin Luther was written in 1791 by anonymous author. In those time in Slovak or Bohemian language similar opus did not exist. Opus was markedly apologetical, but on the other side negated some legends, so it may be understood as valuable historical document. Moreover, it was dedicated for people, who didn´t understand any foreign languages. Author was closely acquainted with Luther´s curriculum vitae and what is interesting, likened him to Ján Hus. Opus was complemented by Luther´s predications.

Keywords: Martin Luther; Catholic Church; Reformation; Theological Controversies;

Language: SLOVAK

Publication order reference: Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic, mail: jjakubej@ukf.sk