Title: Spotřeba alkoholických a nealkoholických nápojů v Československu na stránkách časopisů Výživa lidu a Průmysl potravin v 50. letech 20. století

(Consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in Czechoslovakia on the pages of the magazines Výživa lidu and Průmysl potravin in the 1950s´) – pdf

Abstract: The study focuses on the consumption of beverages in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s when it evaluated the consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in a broader perspective. At the same time, it analyzes the consumption of milk and hot drinks, especially coffee and tea. The text is based on professional scientific articles published on the pages of Výživa lidu (Peopleʾs Nutrition) and Průmysl potravin (Food Industry) in the period 1951–1960. While milk consumption declined, beer consumption continued to grow. Alcohol consumption was clearly dominated by traditional beer which showed increase despite expert complaints. Wine was generally consumed very little. Other alcoholic beverages, with the exception of spirits, also grew, but not as much as the beer mentioned, promoted musts, juices and mineral water did not become a suitable alternative. Consumption of coffee and tea increased slightly, while in the period under review did not exceed pre-war consumption. In general, we can say that there were still differences between the Czech and Slovak parts of the Socialist Republic, where beer consumption predominated in the west and wine and spirits in the east.

Author: ŠMÍDOVÁ, Zuzana

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2023.27.1.152-167

Publication order reference:

Výzkumný ústav potravinářský Praha, v. v. i., Radiová 1285/7, 102 00 Praha, Czech Republic, mail: zuzana.smidova@vupp.cz

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2023, vol.: 27, number: 1, pages: 152-167

Keywords: beverage consumption; milk; beer; wine; tea; coffee; Czechoslovakia; 1951 – 1960;

Language: Czech

Funding: Grantová agentura ČR: GA ČR 20-17501S: Dějiny výživy a stravování v českých zemích 1945-1970