Instructions for the Authors

Instructions for the authors of contributions in the Studia Historica Nitriensia journal:
Studia Historica Nitriensia is a reviewed scientific journal issued semiannually. It publishes original contributions, results of investigation of the authors. The deadlines are 28 February and 30 July. The texts are anonymously reviewed by two independent reviewers. The authors shall be informed of the result of the reviewing process and of the decision of the scientific board within 6 months from the submission of the article. The authors also agree with publishing of their contributions in the following databases: CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library; CEJSH – The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities; EBSCOhost; H-Soz-u-Kult – Humanities – Sozial und Kulturgeschichte; SCOPUS.

Contributions can be sent electronically or by post, on a CD:
electronically to:
by post to: Studia Historica Nitriensia Editorial Board (redakcia), Department of History of the Philosophical Faculty of CPU (Katedra histórie FF UKF), Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra

Each contribution must include:
title in Slovak and English languages
author’s name
workplace and brief information about the author
abstract in a foreign language (English) – min. 5-7 lines
5-6 key words in Slovak and English languages
text itself

If the text is written in English or German, the title of the contribution as well as the abstract must be written in Slovak.
For the section of studies, the editorial board accepts contributions of 40 pages max.
The editorial board reserves the right to publish the contributions in other sections of the journal (perspectives, materials, discussion). Reviews should contain 3-10 standard pages. Shorter contributions shall be classified as annotations.

Figures (resolution of min. 300×300 dpi, colour/black and white), tables and graphs must be submitted in a separate file. They shall be placed in the text by the graphic designer. Figures, tables and graphs must be numbered, with captions and stated source. The text of the contribution must contain the references to specific figures, tables and graphs.

Each contribution (regardless of the field of study) must include footnotes and meet the following standards:
font: Times New Roman, 12
footnotes in the following form:

Referring to a monograph:
1HEČKOVÁ, Janka. Rimania & Germáni na strednom Dunaji. Nitra: FF UKF, 2005, s. 56.

2PEŠEK, Jan – BARNOVSKÝ, Michal. Štátna moc a cirkvi na Slovensku 1948 – 1953. Bratislava: Veda, 1997, 311 s.

Referring to a whole collection of papers:
4WIEDERMANN, Egon (ed.). Studia Historica Nitriensia 15. Nitra: FF UKF, 2010, 424 s.

Referring to a study in a collection or a joint work:
6KIČKOVÁ, Adriana. Nadežda Konstantinovna Krupská (1869-1939). In RUMAN, Ladislav et al. Desivé dejiny. Nitra: FF UKF, 2002, s. 431-435.

Referring to a study published in a periodical:
7PALÁRIK, Miroslav. Osudy pamiatok pochádzajúcich zo židovského majetku za druhej svetovej vojny. In Historický časopis, 2011, roč. 59, č. 3, s. 515-534.
Referring to a previously mentioned work:
8HEČKOVÁ, ref. 1, s. 37.

Referring to an electronic source:
10KUCIANOVÁ, Anna. Personálie v elekronickej súbežnej Slovenskej národnej bibliografii. In Bibliografický zborník 2000 – 2001 [Online]. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2005, s. 136-139. Dostupné na internete: <ík_2000_2001.pdf>;

If place or year of publication or the name of publisher are not stated, we write: n. a., n. p., n. d., n. p.
If there are multiple places of publication and only one Publisher, the places are separated with a semicolon and a space, e. g. Bratislava; Martin: Osveta, 1956.
p is short for page
Information like volume of a journal, numbers of collections of papers are written in Arabic numerals.
If the documents in the editions are numbered, it is necessary to write the number of the document, together with the pages

Referring to an archive source:
exact name of the archive, name of the studied fund or the years which the agenda of the fund comes from, number of the carton with the document, document’s signature and characteristics

The Slovak National Archive in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as SNA in BA), fund (f) Ministry of Education and National Edification (Ministerstvo školstva a národnej osvety) (MŠANO), 1939 – 1945, carton (c) 52, u. no. 785. Regulation of the Ministry of Education and National Edification for the administrators of public schools from 12 April 1941.

Referring to a contemporary press:
Slovák, 5.12.1938, s. 3, article title.

Note: If it is a daily, we state the date of the issue, if it is a different periodical, we state the year, volume, issue, page, title of the article. If the article has its author and we want to emphasize the fact, we also state the name, title and In.

Referring to an antique source:
In the note, state the name of the author in the most frequently used form (CAESAR, TACITUS, SUETONIUS), title of the work in Latin (although the original was written in another language, e. g. Greek), number of the book, chapter and paragraph, if marked.

TACITUS. Annales II, 46.