Ján Golian

Title: Frekventované „preháňanie“ po farnostiach ako trest pre panslávskeho kňaza v prvej dekáde 20. storočia. Príklad Karola Antona Medveckého v Banskobystrickej diecéze

(Frequent „Exaggeration“ in Parishes as a Punishment for a Pan-Slavic Priest in the First Decade of the 20th Century) pdf

Abstract: The text analyses the priestly live of Karol Anton Medvecký in the first period of his pastoral ministry concretely, in the years 1902 – 1909. In this time, the priest of the Banská Bystrica’s diocese was replaced many times to a smaller and inferior parish. It can be generalized that Medvecký’s frequent transfer from parish to parish was a form of punishment. This method was first used by the diocesan vicar Ján Havran, and after the exchange of bishops, it was adopted by the new ordinary of the diocese, Wolfgang Radnai. In this way, they tried to break the persecuted priest and persuade him to give up his national activities and contacts. Subsequently, the position of the priest in the diocese only deteriorated and he spent only a few months or weeks in some parishes. The text evaluates the priest’s relationship with the church hierarchy, but also with his pastors and believers, whose character was also specific.

Author: GOLIAN, Ján

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2022.26.2.357-374

Publication order reference:

Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra histórie, Hrabovská cesta 1B, 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovak Republic, mail: jan.golian@ku.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2022, vol.: 26, number: 2, pages: 357-374

Keywords: Karol Anton Medvecký; Slovak Catholic Priest; Hungarian Bishop; Church and Political Persecution; Banská Bystrica‘s Diocese;

Language: Slovak