Marek Šobáň

Title: Animací to nekončí – neorganizovaní návštěvníci v prostředí muzea a galerie

(Animation is not the End – Unorganized Visitors in the Enviroment ofMuseums and Galleries) – pdf

Abstract: The paper focuses on the ways of the education which are carried out without the active presence of the museum´s lector.It´s about the education of unorganized groups of children visitors, with the help of variable materials, didactical instruments, e.g. the self-servised work lists, the interactive educational aids, or the short educational films. The article ilustrates the topic on the examples of mediation of the permanent and also the short term expositions of the Olomouc Museum of Art in the year 2011.

Author: Šobáň Marek

Publication order reference: Muzeum umění v Olomouci, Denisova 47, 771 11 Olomouc, Czech Republic, mail:

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2015, vol.: 19, number: 1, pages: 111-117

Key words: museum; gallery; unorganized visitors;

Language: CZECH