Nové rímske figurálne plastiky z juhozápadného Slovenska

Title: Nové rímske figurálne plastiky z juhozápadného Slovenska

(New roman figurines from South-Western Slovakia)

Author: Ján RAJTÁR

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2019.23.S.493-500

Publication order reference: Ján Rajtár, Archeologický ústav SAV, Akademická 2, Nitra 949 21, Slovak Republic, mail:

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2019, vol.: 23, number: Supplementum, pages: 493-500

Abstract: The article presents new finds of Roman metal figurines which come from collections at Germanic settlements in south-western Slovakia. Two bronze figurines – a small statuette of Mercury and a naked male figure (probably Apollo?) – were discovered in Zvočín. Another small bronze statuette of Amor and a lead figurine of an unidentifiable male deity come from a nearby Germanic settlement in Bohuslavice nad Trnavou. Fragment of a hand with a pouch from a Mercury statuette comes from the settlement in Hronovce-Vozokany nad Hronom. This has increased not only the number of such finds, but also the scale of deities represented in the local Germanic environment. They can be considered evidence of penetration of Roman influences in the spiritual sphere and religious ideas of the Germanic population.


Language: SLOVAK