Pečeť jako obraz individua. Několik příkladů z prostředí představených moravských klášterů v raném novověku

Title: Pečeť jako obraz individua. Několik příkladů z prostředí představených moravských klášterů v raném novověku

(Seal as The Mirror Of an Individual. Few Examples of Moravian Monasteries in The Early Modern Age)

Author: BOLOM-KOTARI, Martina

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2017.21.2.297-309

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, 2017, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 297-309

Abstract: The paper focuses on the communicating capacity of seals of superiors of Moravian monasteries at the end of middle ages and in the early modern age. It pays attention to the intention of the seal owners, but also to the existing seal matrices and to the impressions made by them. In the process of making seal stands at the beginning an idea of the seal owner to get a seal matrix. Paper follows different motives, which finally led to the creating of matrix and its usage. Almost every seal contains more levels of information. Information is connected and operates together, but not all of them are generally understandable and not all of them have constant validity. Next to the identifying function, which is closely connected to the credibility, legal force and validity, it is necessary to understand the seal as a mean of representation as well. Last but not least we can see the seal as a mirror to the contemporary historical context, which reflects the place of its origin and the position of its owner in the contemporary social structures.

Keywords: Seal; Premonstratensians; Carthusians; Early Modern Age; Interpretation;

Language: CZECH

Publication order reference: Univerzita Hradec Králové, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra pomocných věd historických a archivnictví, Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, mail: