Sídlisko autochtónnej panónskej populácie v Rusovciach: Prvé výsledky archeobotanických analýz

Title: Sídlisko autochtónnej panónskej populácie v Rusovciach: Prvé výsledky archeobotanických analýz

(The settlement of the autochthonous Pannonian population in Rusovce: the first results of archaeobotanical analyses)

Authors: Jana HLAVATÁ – Vladimír Varsik

DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2019.23.S.427-448

Publication order reference:

Jana Hlavatá, Červenej armády 57, 941 01 Bánov, Slovak Republic, mail: hlavajana@gmail.com;  

Vladimír Varsik, Katedra klasickej archeológie, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43 Trnava, Slovak Republic, mail: vladimir.varsik@truni.sk.

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2019, vol.: 23, number: Supplementum, pages: 427-448

Abstract:  At the time of the Roman occupation, the territory of the later province of Pannonia was inhabited by several native tribes of mostly Celtic origin. The present paper deals with the Roman rural settlement in Rusovce (in the hinterland of the Gerulata castellum), which the authors consider to be a testimony of the survival of the indigenous population far into the Roman period. Throughout the 2nd century, the settlement had a distinctive autochthonous character, and it was not until the 3rd century that its architectural appearance began to undergo transformation and Romanisation. The results of archaeological excavations document how the inhabitants of the settlement gradually yielded to the globalising pressure of the Roman culture. An archaeobotanical analysis of macrobotanical remains indicates that the cultural transformation of the settlement may have been reflected also in the agricultural sphere. The second century contexts differ from the third century ones in the proportion of plant species and the density of finds. While archaeobotanical assemblages dated to the 2nd century have significantly higher proportions of cereals, the later assemblages generally contain fewer finds and the species ratio is more equal.


Language: SLOVAK