Title: Kaštieľ a loretánska kaplnka v Lúke – výsledky aktuálneho historického a architektonicko-historického výskumu
(The Manor House and the Loretto Chapel in Lúka – Results of Contemporary Historical and Architectural History Research) – pdf
Abstract: In the past belonged the village Lúka to the dominion of Tematín castle. After the extinction of the Thurzo family was this dominion divided among several co-owners, what instigated building of manor houses. The captain and administrator of anti-Ottomans defence fortress in Šaľa – Gašpar st. Sándor (†1672) – let to build his own residence in Lúka approximately in the period 1639-1654. The manor house belonged to smaller type of partially fortificated manor houses with closed squared ground plan and four towers on the corners. Gašpar´s wife Katarína Szluhová let to build the private Loretto Chapel in 1674, one of the oldest in the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary. For its current visual appearance in Baroque style is responsible Štefan Sándor (*1750 †1815), who let to add two-floor annexe with three flight of stairs in front of the northeastern frontage. He allowed to increase the height of perimeter walls and let to install picturesque truss construction. Štefan paid his attention intesively to Hungarian literature studying and exploration of German authors. The result of his research and scientific activities is the first Hungarian bibliography called Magyar Könyvesház.
Authors: Janura Tomáš – Havlík Marián
Publication order reference: Historický ústav, Slovenská akadémia vied, Klemensova 2522/19, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, mail: histjanu@savba.sk; Pamiatkový úrad Slovenskej republiky, Cesta na Červený most 6, 814 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, mail: marian.havlik@pamiatky.gov.sk
Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2014, vol.: 18, number: 2, pages: 250-272
Key words: Manor house; the Loretto Chapel; the Sándor family; the Szluha family;
Language: SLOVAK