Title: Z Košíc do Ameriky – osudy a profesionálna dráha slovenskej lekárky Márie Dziakovej-Bӧhmovej

(From Košice to USA – destinies and professional career of the Slovak doctor Mária Dziaková-Böhmová)

Abstract: The article maps important milestones in the life of the Slovak doctor Mária Dziaková-Böhmová. She graduated in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava and began her medical practice in Slovakia, Košice and Bratislava. She gained experience in a wide range of disciplines, in pediatrics, surgery and internal medicine, as well as in mother and childcare and adult education. She was the wife of chemist Emanuel Böhm, who was also politically active. After the regime change in 1948, the husbands had to emigrate, first to London, in 1952 to the USA. M. Dziaková-Böhmová in USA fully developed her medical practice in internal medicine, as well as a successful pedagogical career. The author describes in the article her medical work, social and health activities, as well as national and cultural activities among emigrants. She also pays attention to the political changes and demanding conditions of emigration, which determined the life and professional career of M. Dziaková-Böhmová.


DOI: 10.17846/SHN.2021.25.2.439-452

Publication order reference:

Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Lekárska fakulta, Špitálska 24
813 72 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, mail: eva.morovicsova@fmed.uniba.sk

Source: Studia Historica Nitriensia, year: 2021, vol.: 25, number: 2, pages: 439-452

Keywords: Mária Dziaková-Böhmová; history; Slovakia; USA; medicine; education;

Language: Slovak