Title: To study the tombstones of the Islamic period of Aqalar Museum of Maragheh (northwest of Iran) (To study the tombstones of the Islamic period of Aqalar Museum of Maragheh (northwest of Iran)) Abstract: The issue of death and the…
Title: From the Fight for Independence of Arab World to the Lack of Freedom – A Short History of Arab Media on the Example of Egypt (From the Fight for Independence of Arab World to the Lack of Freedom –…
Title: Historical Memory and National Identity in the Post-truth Era in Russian Federation (Historical Memory and National Identity in the Post-truth Era in Russian Federation) Abstract: This article deals with the perception of historical memory and national identity in the…
Title: Štátny pedagogický ústav a príprava učebníc v rokoch 1947 – 1952 (The National Institute for Education and the Phenomenon of Preparation of School Books in the Years 1947 – 1952) Abstract: This submitted contribution deals with the participation of the National…
Title: Boje druhej svetovej vojny na juhozápadnom Slovensku v spomienkach priamych účastníkov, príslušníkov Červenej armády. Memoárová literatúra ako vojenskohistorický prameň. 2. časť (Combats of world war II in southwestern Slovakia in the memoirs of participants, members of the Red Army. Memoir…
Title: Jmenování prvních profesorek v Československu (First Women-Professors Appointment in Czechoslovakia) Abstract: In the Czechoslovakia the first women were gradually appointed extraordinary professors more than three decades since the first women had graduated from universities. Present research has paid attention mostly…
Title: První žena v Karolinu (The first woman in Carolinum) Abstract: The paper deals with the life and professional destinies of Marie Zdeňka Baborová (1877 – 1937), the first Czech woman-doctor of philosophy. It summarizes basic informations about the possibilities…
Title: Z Košíc do Ameriky – osudy a profesionálna dráha slovenskej lekárky Márie Dziakovej-Bӧhmovej (From Košice to USA – destinies and professional career of the Slovak doctor Mária Dziaková-Böhmová) Abstract: The article maps important milestones in the life of the Slovak doctor…
Title: The Prisoners of Prague: Mordechai Oren and Shimon Orenstein’s Imprisonments as a Breaking Moment in Diplomatic Relations between Czechoslovakia and Israel in the 1950s (The Prisoners of Prague: Mordechai Oren and Shimon Orenstein’s Imprisonments as a Breaking Moment in…
Title: Obraz žen francouzské revoluce v jazykově české odborné a populární literaturě (Czech image of female participants of the „great“ French revolution: historiography and „belles lettres“) Abstract: In our article we have attempted a reconstruction of female part in the French revolution in…